About Tom Yancey Company
More than 130 years in business says a lot!
The Tom Yancey Company proudly provides the highest quality roof installations and repairs in Sacramento City and Sacramento County, and El Dorado, Placer and Yolo counties.
When you hire The Tom Yancey Company you can be sure your roof is in good hands. It doesn’t matter whether your roof simply needs to be repaired, or you need a brand-new roof, Tom Yancey Company installs every shingle to the same exacting standards.
The Tom Yancey Company’s staff strive to meet the following principles of excellence.
Courtesy and Respect
From your first interaction with Tom Yancey Company personnel you will find us to be courteous and respectful. Our aim is to always go the extra mile to make every customer a very satisfied customer. Click here to see some of our recent Google reviews.
Clean and Orderly
The Tom Yancey crews take special efforts to keep your property clean and free of debris at the end of every day of work. At the conclusion of each project, we carry out a thorough cleaning of any project related materials. Finally, we also confirm with the customer all is in good order before any project is considered complete.
Passage of Information
Tom Yancey Company starts every project with a full and detailed explanation of the scope of work. In addition, we are pleased to answer any questions which may arise as the work progresses and will provide ongoing updates as the project proceeds.
After Sales Service
One the reasons The Tom Yancey Company has been in business for over a century is service after the sale. Should an issue arise, we will be there to make it right. This is principle sets The Tom Yancey Company apart from and above all competitors.
Warranty and Workmanship
A materials warranty isn’t worth the paper it’s written on if the installation is sub-standard. The Tom Yancey Company has successfully completed THOUSANDS of projects. Every crew member is thoroughly trained, and professionally supervised to ensure each project is a success. Tom Yancey Company is focused on providing the best user experience possible. We want to be the first name you think of when any question involving roofing arises.